Friday, September 14, 2012

Thank you flu, your help is appreciated.

So this morning around 2, I started feeling sick.  My stomach was upset and I had a feeling it was going to get worse.  By 3 I had the spins that naturally occur when you've had too much fun the night before (which was not my issue) and felt like maybe I should venture to the kitchen to grab a large bowl in case I got sick, but I felt too bad to even make it that far.  By 4 I was throwing up in the bathroom, narrowly making it there in time!  I was sweating terribly, my stomach hurt and I felt like I was going to pass out.  When it came time for me to get up to get ready for work, I took a shower that only lasted about three minutes because I felt weak and dizzy and decided I needed to go back to bed.  Cody hasn't been feeling the best either so I asked Kurt to stay home and take care of Cody and me if I needed it.

I proceeded with my normal morning weigh in like I do every day and was pleased to see I was down 1.6 lbs!  Yes to being sick!  After I rested until around 9:30 I felt like I could be out of bed, so I watched some TV and had some coffee.  Kurt decided to run an errand with Cody around 10:30 and I felt like I was recovered enough to go to work for awhile as I am swamped!

This morning as I was updating my food journal and looking at my charts I realized it's time for me to reconfigure my calorie requirements since I've lost additional weight recently.  Now in order to keep losing I need to consume around 1,500 calories a day!  Wow, I thought 1,800 seemed hard to do!  I will do it though and I will continue to succeed!  My head is clear, my goals are clear and I need to just continue on my path.

Best wishes to all for the weekend, I am hoping that Cody and I make a full recovery from our illnesses!

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