Friday, December 7, 2012

Tis' the Season!

December first has come and gone, which to me is the official count down to Christmas.  The realization that I have procastinated all year once again!  How shocking!  This year we are toning it down, the kids have more stuff than many kids have, we have a nice home and a healthy family, what more do we really need?  Of course we will get some small things and get together with extended family, but this Christmas won't be so gift orientated.  This was the first year that I did not go shopping on Black Friday.  The kids have taken it well and we've been talking about expenses that we have so they are realizing why things are tight.  It's time to get back to what's important, spending time with family and showing that they are important in our lives!
Our scary run in the dark!

Working out has been going well.  I can't remember when my last post was, so I will recap the last week.  Saturday Tanya and I went to an Aqua-Blast class, Monday we went to Pilates and Zumba (felt those afterwards), Wednesday I lifted weights and went on the bike, Thursday I went for a run with Ethan (really, really dark out) and I am taking a spin class at the Y tomorrow morning.  Lots of good activity in!  My weight has remained the same, but I am gaining muscle definition and my jeans are fitting differently, so no complaints here!

This weekend is filled with Holiday parties.  Tonight is mine for work and tomorrow we have Kurt's work party.  My challenge will be drinks and food.  My head is in a good place though and I have my activity planned for the weekend, so I should be able to stay on track. 

My accomplishment this week is being able to do a yoga pose that I haven't been able to do, which I posted a picture of!  It's the small things like this that make me keep going!
Finally, my feet are off the ground!!!

Have a great weekend!


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