Sunday, November 25, 2012

How do you know where you are going, if you don't know where you've been?

I often think about this quote when I think about my weight loss efforts, completion of college courses, advancement in my career, basically life in general.  How do we get to where we want to be in life if we do not have goals?  Goals are so important in everything we do.  It helps us form structure, add discipline to our lives and feel accomplishment.

I've had a great week.  Even though it was a holiday week with extra time off, I made it my priority to remain active and to not go into a food coma.  I made it to the YMCA more often than I normally do.  I made it  Zumba on Monday, went for a run on Tuesday, worked out with Tanya for weight lifting on Wednesday, Thursday went to a 5-6:30 a.m. water aerobics class with Tanya, Friday went to the YMCA as a family and played basketball and did exercise ball routine, Saturday went for a run and Sunday lifted weights at the YMCA with Ethan.  Everyday I squeezed in some kind of workout and I feel great!  I just wish I could keep that routine everyweek!
Evening run just before the sun sets for the day, rosy cheeks

So now basketball starts up for Dominik and we add getting to practices and games into the mix.  We will be working on that as we go, but should be able to keep a healthy routine as well.  Tanya and I have penciled in workouts together for Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  I will try to add in some runs on the off days.  The weekend will depend on what time Dominik's games are at.
Snow tires are officially on!
I hope anyone reading this post has a great week.  Think about your overall goals in life and if you are living your life in a way that helps you achieve those goals.  If you be honest with yourself, you will probably think of ways taht you can improve upon yourself to reach the happiness you've been craving so bad, I know that's the case with me!


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